Stickley Inspired Slant-Arm Paddle-Arm Morris Rocker

If you are attracted to the very wide & inviting arms of the original L.&J.G. Stickley paddle-arm Morris chair but appreciate the ergonomic design of Gustav Stickley's slant-arm Morris chair which is lower where your arms rest, allowing your shoulders to relax and you want the versatility of an adjustable rocker, this is the chair for you. Features pinned mortise & tenon construction and steam-bent rockers and back and four reclining positions. The swooping arches under the arms, the arched seat rails, extra long corbles, the beveled front seat rail and the beautifully shaped arms soften the mass of the chair. Come by and test drive this exclusive Voorhees Craftsman Workshops hybrid Morris/Rocker. Price includes choice of leather or fabric and an infinite number of stain colors.

Product ID: #340MR

Click images for larger versions

Detail of the excellent grain in the hand-selected quarter-sawn slow-growth white oak, front leg, extra long corble and the beveled front seat rail.

Detail of the excellent grain in the hand-selected quarter-sawn slow-growth white oak, front leg, extra long corble and the beveled front seat rail.

Detail top of right arm.

Detail top of right arm.

Detail top of left arm.

Detail top of left arm.

Side view with chair in the second of four positions.

Side view with chair in the second of four positions.